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Dwarfed Punk
Dreams can come true, especially in fairy tales. Kinda! - Snow White and the Seven Dwarves get down to Daft Punk's Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, it's like poetry in motion...GENIUS!!!
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If you didn't watch the synchronized swimming events during the Olympics, you missed a treat. Not only were they hotter than the female volleyballers, but they were freaking hilarious to watch as well. Best. Sport. Ever.
Comments: 21
When Eddie finally bites the dust and his undead bones are laid to rest this is what the angels will be playing as he approaches the pearly gates. Assuming that is, that heaven is where he's destined...
Comments: 2
Jerry Seinfeld is so excited about the new Acura NSX that he will stop at nothing to acquire the very first one. Check out the extended version of Acura's big game commercial.
Comments: 0
As hurricane Bawbag ravages Scotland one worried resident films a lamp post as it sways gently in the gale force winds. Then; TRAMPOLINE! TRAMPOLINE! The only thing that would make this better is a plastic Gregs bag...
Comments: 0
What every man needs in his life to save him from the horror of cold leftover take-away – could this be the perfect live-in partner? I think I’m in lurve…
Comments: 0
New Mexico's gubernatorial candidate Diane Denish accuses her opponent Susana Martinez of giving big, fat boners, but everyone knows she has been against big, fat boners her whole career.
Comments: 2
The honest Trailers guys have switched from mocking bad films to rubbishing ones they actually quite like. It's not as venomous, but it's still highly entertaining and they make some damn good points. Earpieces anyone?
Comments: 89
It is always bad manners to not share good pr0n with the whole office - a classic boss ownage !!
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This is an ultra high speed camera that can film at an amazing 5000fps and films a bullet blowing up a bunch of different stuff. - LOL
Comments: 1,779
Sometimes you do things without thinking, sometimes you are just plain dumb! The side-view mirrors should have the following message: Warning, guy who jumps on car is even dumber than he appears. Next time take a bus buddy!
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