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The Human Can Opener
In less than ten seconds this dude bites enough holes in the top of his can to completely remove the lid.
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This guy rotates his tires every six thousand miles... no matter where he is.
Comments: 5
Summer’s taken over the realms and we’re all still feeling the sting of not having a new episode of Game of Thrones each week. To help curb the bitter taste of a Winter-less summer, here’s a mash up of Disney’s Frozen and GoT.
Comments: 1
Rémi Gaillard - king of trolls - does the unthinkable in a car wash station. It'll make you chuckle because it exaggerates a common problem we all encounter regularly.
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Just watching this compilation of people, and animals, being sporty and extreme and having great fun is tiring enough. So pretend you were there, instead of sitting at home staring at some moving pixels.
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On paper, this wouldn't be funny. For some reason though it's made me laugh harder than anything else I've seen today. Something about the innocent joy of it all that really tickles my funny bone. Awesome.
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This is just a horrible prank to play on someone.. - LOL
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Local new is full of weirdness so this should come as no surprise, but it's still highly amusing to see the kind of crazy that they're happy to interview and broadcast on television. She's a good sport too!
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The man with the Guinness world record for having the world's most elastic epidermis is back in the news for being unusually malleable. Probably shouldn't count as news, but definitely interesting if you haven't seen it.
Comments: 3
In sports, the old Marine saying is usually true: 'Pain is weakness leaving the body.' With that in mind, this guy just lost a whole lot of weakness. Lets hope he has heard of the marine code of honor, if not he's in trouble - LOL
Comments: 6
Some of these are crappy little dinghies and no one really cares about them, but some are huge ocean liners crashing into each other, which are totally jaw dropping.
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