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Sliding Faceplant FAIL!
This kid gets his buddies to watch him do a backflip off a swing but at the last moment opts for the impressive 10ft face slide on the asphalt instead. I'd score this a 9.9 for total effort - LOL!
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Everybody loves pizza, and cats are no exception. Cats are the cutest thieves. Some are trying, but some actually succeeded in stealing delicious slice of pizza. It's cute, because it's not your pizza.
Comments: 1
A group of Russian guys at a gym flawlessly choreograph the epic battle scene from the 2007 Sparta vs. Persia film '300' starring Gerard Butler. Then chuck it some slow-mo for extra awesomeness—see, this is what going to the gym should be about.
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Not to add insult to injury, but plummeting before the roof diving ref's signal means an automatic zero from the judges instead of the zero he would've earned.
Comments: 20
It’s astonishing how a little bit of audio work can make a song listenable when once it was utter pants—and the little interview at the end just makes it that bit more special.
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A picture paints 10 billion words...."At first i was like GAZE....then i was like *drool*....but then i was like OM NOM NOM!" Same again tomorrow night!
Comments: 2
Are they sure this is on a Jersey shore? Shouldn't the shark be orange, annoying, and nearing the end of his fifteen minutes of fame?
Comments: 2
Forget just giving a polite, simple hand gesture when you meet someone - Take the time to show you really care with a 20-second handshake, who knows, you'll be definitely picking up all the germs they have on their hand!
Comments: 4
Anita has not been to Polar Zoo in about 2 months. The wolves obviously missed her but to be this close to a pack of wolves, and to let them jump about all over you snarling and bearing their teeth? Cojones. Gigantic ones.
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Before he punched Snooki on Jersey Shore, Brad Ferro got his clock cleaned in an amateur cage match. He got 'snookied' before the term was invented.
Comments: 50
A pilot doesn't pick up enough speed before attempting a water take off and crashes hard just feet away from the camera man.
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