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Excuse Me. I'm Robing You Sir!
It's good to know that you can still be courteous to your victim while sticking up their store, masking the tragic indictment of the American welfare system as desperation forces a good man is to extreme measures. LOL!?
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When you have an accident make sure you plan for the future - Bases covered, girls. If the dancing doesn't work, the crutches will be sure to get the guys' attention.
Comments: 0
So, the tagline from this sprite commercial translates to "Things may appear different up close". No idea what it has to do with sprite, but thanks for the night terrors, guys. You'll be receiving my psychiatrist bills shortly.
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You don't need to be German to work out that Nike means 'cool' in every language - SWEET !
Comments: 55
This week's fully interactive Monkey e-mag is brought to you by the letter B for Brianna Frost's Bumtastic Booty - YUMMY!
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So let me get this right, he probably spends all day sniffing other dog's butts, but when it comes to his owner farting he takes offence, al i can assume is what the hell has he been eating?
Comments: 34
So pretty much everyone and their dog loved The Dark Knight, but for some reason it's the most requested movie to be lampooned by the Honest Trailers guys. They do a pretty good job of pulling it apart too.
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This Cat can serve up a punch with the best of them, but the day he met this Dog, it was the battle of the immovable object vs the unstoppable force.
Comments: 47
She looks too damn hot as she dances seductively in her bedroom, it is enough to make your mouth water - And lets not even mention the stunning lingerie she has on !
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New Jersey has swamps, guidos, hair gel, and Snooki. Why not have a 3 year old running the place...
Comments: 3
This dude flips his quad backwards and it falls directly on his head. Although, he was hurt he obviously couldn't have suffered any brain damage.
Comments: 4