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Street Surfing FAIL!
There are no stops on this historical tour of Old Europe, except by painful accident - Sometimes you hit the building and sometimes the building hits YOU - Either way it's pain!
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Now you can read the extended version. Yes, a whole new 200 pages for you to get to grips with, with many, many passages about having to shit in the woods with no toilet paper. Oh, the humanity!
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It’s the 21st century, so soon we will be inviting robot slaves into our homes to help us with all those jobs we hate doing—like raising children. So meet Geebo, the family friendly robot! FAIL!
Comments: 0
Time for an injection of adrenaline straight into your frontal-cortex. Throw those hands in the air, start making some shapes, gurn your face into a contorted grimace & then get back to work.
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Well, this is something I haven't seen before. Millions of ants get caught in a circular pattern and form what resembles a hurricane that lasted for over 2 days. Is this part of their attempt to become the master race?
Comments: 2
Fancy cooking up a storm and making your dinner party go with a bang. A very BIG bang?. When you see the devastation he manages to create in his garage you can't help but be impressed.
Comments: 6
You might have seen happy looking cats before, but they're usually just photoshopped to look that way. This one looks happy without the aid of graphical retouching. Also he pants like a dog which is way cool.
Comments: 5
People think that right-wing fascist scum are out there with their prejudices walking boldly down the street screaming abuse at anyone who’s not an Aryan pure bred. But, has anyone thought about their feelings?
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A nutshot so painful that I'm afraid to watch it twice for fear of becoming sterile. For this dude life will never be the same again - OUCH!
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She's blonde, she has a great body and a great pair of funbags, surely there can't be much to complain about with this beauty?
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Bullets being fired at metal sheets as captured by video cameras running at 1 million frames per second. There are no sound effects in the video but feel free to make your own. BANG BANG, PEW PEW PEW!
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