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Highway Pinball
This dude loses control of his vehicle at 70mph and besides one minor bump he somehow manages to avoid all other cars on the road.
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While being chased by police for a suspected robbery, the suspect makes it rain $100 bills on the freeway
Comments: 110
When Samuel L Jackson tells you that it's over and he's never going back out with you, you can take that as gospel. He's not a man who minces his words. That said I think I prefer Taylor Swift's vocals...
Comments: 1
This mini fridge beer canon robot is pretty cool. I sincerely hope that building a hot chick robot is next on his list. Then he'll have a party on his hands.
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Some cats never seem to have any luck when it comes to stalking and hunting birds, take this poor pussy for example, he's doing everything reight, but when it comes to the moment of attack the bird vanishes like magic.
Comments: 2
This guy must be a pro at pissing people off.. because his techniques reallly work. LOL
Comments: 2
Sometimes the ability of cats just blows your mind, take this little kitty for example, attempting to leap onto this shelf. It sizes it all up and is poised to make this epic jump and off he goes Go cat, go!....WAIT!?
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Yeah, very clever. All these kids are so smart to make a helicopter out of a blue container. Nice one. Now try flying it across the Atlantic. INSANITY!
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Sometimes when you attempt something in front of an audience there is peer pressure to continue until you succeed, whatever the cost. He finally does it but that isn't watermelon juice all over his head. OUCH
Comments: 2
This might just be the greatest troll of all time. Mr Doubletalk poses as a reporter and pranks the Bridgestone Golf Tour Team.
Comments: 3
This is why we all used to wear Air Jordans - He's over 50 years old and he can still dunk a basket ball, what more could you want from a national hero? I'm just glad i wasn't that kid getting dunked on.
Comments: 3