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Street Cleaning Simulator
If you thought that Farming Simulator was badass, you aint seen nothing yet. While combine harvesters and other farming machinery might be gangster, it ain't got nothing on a street cleaning machine. F'real.
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Aerial vision filmed with a quadcopter off Esperance, along south Western Australia's beautiful coastline. Huge pods of bottlenose dolphins cruise the shoreline and surf the crystal clear turquoise waves.
Comments: 5
Everyone hates bullying (well, except the bullies), but would you step in if you saw someone suffering? Turns out you probably wouldn’t, you gutless swine, as this video shows.
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If you see him chatting to your girlfriend, don’t worry, because a man like this can only repel anyone he meets. Even animals will sense that this guy is a super douche!
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If you think you party hard, it’s nothing compared to how a duck rips it up when it wants to have some good times. They are secretly bad-ass and a law unto themselves. Ducks are evil muddas!
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The end of the month always signifies the coming of a decent fail compilation and it's a habit i could get used to!. It's time to enjoy the misfortunes of others from the comfort of your safe & secure laptop.
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Sometimes it's a good idea to know when you're on a losing streak and cash your chips in early. Unfortunately this little fella is going to learn the hard way.
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Most cats have an almost pathalogical aversion to all forms of liquid except maybe milk. In a bowl. This little furball however likes nothing more than a nice cooling bath on a hot summer day. What a champ.
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These guys project the outside world onto the inside, blocking out all the light except for the small amount let through through the pinholes, the city outside merges with the interior of the apartment.
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Prepare to witness the amazing japanese invention that is set to change the world; The Face Car! All you need to do is pull someone's eyes & tongue out, then cut their face off! WTF, JAPAN!?
Comments: 197
OK, ready for your WTF awkward TV moment of the day? Good, because you’re about to experience it taken to the nth level. If you feel like it, why not join in and sing along - OMG :(
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