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Absinthe Unicorn
Maybe this is just how they drink Absinthe in Russia, or maybe this guy is totally freaking awesome. Without going to Russia on a Hunter S Thompson style mission to. Sounds like a good enough excuse to me...
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The Association Of Finnish Lawyers put this commercial together that asks whether what this woman is doing constitutes harassment in the workplace. We pose the question to you. Is this harassment?
Comments: 2
A remix of clips from the movie where Hayley Joel Osmond played a little robot kid with the capability to love. Sounds totally lame, but this mashup will probably make you want to watch it. It's just THAT good!
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You have to be pretty quick on your feet to be a bull fighter and that lesson just cost this guy a broken arm.
Comments: 1
All you social media gurus out there would do well to watch this video. Again. And again. Maybe take some notes too, because these guys totally owned when it came to sorting out an 8-year-old girl’s birthday party.
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Damien Walters? Spider Man? They're punks compared to this wall climber.
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A compilation of boys who can't stay on their bikes.. LOL
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This dude takes his girlfriend to the Venetian in Las Vegas for a romantic gondola ride but steps in then flips over the edge of the boat.
Comments: 4
Tim Thomas can do the splits like a boss and save a goal in the process. In honour of Toronto going totally bat-sh#t crazy over a game that nobody else cares about here's a look at why hockey is cool.
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A van stalls out on train tracks in Buenos Aires, and a good citizen manages to push the car to safety just before a train barrels through it. Still trying to work out what his reasoning was?
Comments: 2
From the moment you see her complete the first loop you know their is only one way this is going to end. Something tells me that no amount of make-up is gonna help cover this up :(
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