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Dildo Launcher
Yeah, you heard me right. This fine upstanding gentleman has created an slingshot that fires small vibrating massage devices at high velocities. He demonstrates their penetrative power on a block of ballistics gel.
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I'm not sure what's wrong with this train, but as long as tickets are 60% cheaper than its competitors, it's worth the risk.
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Or Wesley Snipes vs. Christian "F#cking amateur" Bale or Marvel vs. DC or Monster vs. Man or Bat Slayer vs. Bat or...you get the idea. Throw in a few zombies to this mix and you'd have possibly the greatest movie never made!!!!
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They call him Andy. Sketchy Andy. They call him this because, well, he’s kinda sketchy. If performing death defying stunts with blatant disregard for your own safety was an Olympic sport, this guy would be bringing home the gold.
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Taking cat videos to a whole new level, enjoy the spectacle of cats puking up their guts to the sound of techno music—and then wonder what the hell you're doing with your life.
Comments: 2
A nutshot so painful that I'm afraid to watch it twice for fear of becoming sterile. For this dude life will never be the same again - OUCH!
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Hey, if you had any doubts about the USA being the absolute fucking money, then look no further than Doug Stanhope, all-night bars, more choices for breakfast and road names and layouts that actually make sense.
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If they gave out Oscars for amateur perfomances, this dude would get one - Easily the best performance of this high school production; proof that method acting really is a painful business.
Comments: 21
This dude has the entire crowd cheering for him until suddenly karma shows up and demonstrates how hard it can hit.
Comments: 32
It feels like some kind of artsy metaphor for life. Like it's part of some art college dropout's dissertation on the futility of existence as expressed through the medium of toys & sports equipment. Cool though.
Comments: 19
Watch this professional stuntman, part of the Stunt Freaks Team, take it to a whole new level as he crosses a bridge in an epic way and films it all on a GroPro so he can show us what an extreme badass he is.
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