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Definition of "Douchebag"
This guy is doing his utmost to redefine the word douchebag. Not only is he pumped up on steroids and stroking his own ego but when it comes time to use his ridiculous muscles he resorts to camera tricks. GIGADOUCHE!
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This guy's angry. Like if Dr. Bruce Banner came home to find Betty Ross in bed with Wolverine. Calm the F down, it's only a goddamn bush. Skaters in New Jersey, beware. This guy injects steroids into his eyeballs for breakfast.
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Mister Weebl obviously has far too much time on his hands. He's only gone and crafted an audio-visual treat for your senses as a way to pay homage to the earthly delights embodied in teeny tiny onions. Bloody weirdo.
Comments: 3
There's awesome....and then there's AWESOME! How bad would you want one of these in your back yard? This has to be the most patriotic machine gun of all, except, i guess, as long as we forget all those bald eagles it killed :(
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Hilarious, understandable acoustic version of Soulja Boy.. - LOL
Comments: 1
Some of the most badass bike skills you will see outside of a Danny MacAskill video. This guy could even be a threat to the trials bike throne. Watch out, Danny, there's a new sherriff in town...
Comments: 3
Remember the Charlie Bit My Finger video? Well, someone's taken said video and made it all zombie. Finally. So the term Charlie bit me takes on a far more sinister tone as the undead hordes come to devour the flesh of the living.
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Congratulations are in order. This may be the quickest scooter crash we have on record. See? There are some things female drivers excel at.
Comments: 5
Super powerful cars and super hot babes make for a good combo!!
Comments: 4
The Slow Mo Guys, Gav and Dan, head to Alabama to show you the mechanical workings of a fully automatic M4 Carbine with holographic sight as it fires 30 rounds in just over 2 seconds.
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He's kinda like the highlander. Only another two-tailed fox can kill him and I don't know about you but I don't see any two tailed foxes around here. Maybe he should buy a big book of sudoku or something?
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