Big Ass Animals
I've seen some oversize animals before but some of these are total nightmare fuel. A cricket that's big enough to chomp a whole carrot? A crab the size of a dustbin? Oh god. I think I just pooped a little.
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Ok, so lets be honest here, any girl with freckles instantly adopts a special sort of 'girl-next-door' charm, add to that the fact she is already a cute looking celebrity and you are pretty much onto a winner.
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They might be annoying at times but health and safety rules are there for a reason. They are there to stop idiots like the ones here from endangering themselves and everyone around them with their comically calamitous hijinks.
Comments: 43
Ahhh, irony, it's life's wonderful oxymoron full of poetic FAIL! What a boring place this planet would be without it. Also where would Alanis Morissette get at least 2 albums worth of song material from?
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It's that time again. Monday morning. Time for another of our patent pended diabolically delectable dumps. If you don't get at least 75% of your daily allowance of lolz from this we offer a full moneyback guarantee!
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Summer's coming and that means the beach. It’s a great place to rest & relax, catching a few zzz’s & maybe read a good book while you work on your tan. Whatever your reason, it won’t be a complete experience without ogling all the cute women.
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Puppies, kittens, lambs, calfs, you name it - if they are the animal world's newest editions and wrapped in soft fuzzy fur then our brain switches into mushy-gooey-mode and all we want to do is cuddle them and keep them safe.
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Finally, a showdown between priceless works of art and their natural enemy, the humble house cat. Centuries old masterpieces versus the relatively new phenomenon that is the LOLcat. Which looks better? Only one way to find out!
Comments: 3
Get ready for some self-inflicted portrait pretties, brought to you by both the joys of the digital camera & the sharing of information rapidly over the internets! In later life they may regret these pics being all over the web but, meh, who cares!
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Do you wake up every morning strugling with a good excuse not to go into the workplace? Sure, your work probably sucks, but count yourself very lucky. Whatever it is you do for a living, there's no way it's as bad as any of these. Tragic.
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If I could replicate myself like this, I surely would be just standing around clicking silly photos, I'd be getting a lot more work done! Who am I kidding, it would just be a lot more people on the couch!
Comments: 4