You Can't Explain That!
Bill O’Reilly has become a meme, or rather, he’s become a meme again, since who among us can ever forget, no matter how hard we may try, his deep love for falafel. Explain that one!?
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It's time to remember the summer on these cold winter nights and what's better than some summertime photo candy to keep you warm. It hurts just looking at these scorched sunburnt bodies, what the hell's wrong with them?
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These women ain't just "fit" they are "PWOPER FIT": you could play their stomachs like fleshy glockenspiels. They probably get up stoopid early, but SH*T, THEY HOT!
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Getting a tattoo is a very personal thing, if you're going to get something indelibly inked under your skin, visible to all, you'd better make a statement. Something meaningful. "I like McDonalds" is a perfect example.
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Trust good old Mother Nature to come up with millions of years of evolution to produce some of the most beautiful natural monuments the planet has ever seen - I would gladly plant a flag on ALL of them. I would. Really.
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Oh for those bygone days when everything was simple and internet was young. If you were a kid in the 80's or 90's, prepare to experience some extreme nostalgia. You might not know all of them, but you're bound to know at least one.
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I'm always willing to lend a helping hand to a maiden in distress, especially when they need help in maintaining their dignity, i would gladly lend a hand to this pert predicament for any of these cuties!
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America's favourite couch-potato pastime comes bundled in with the other best distractions known to man. How and why football is related to women taking the gaze of every red blooded man away from the game is beyond me.
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Yep, that's right, the fabled Spring Break is drawing ever closer and the main reason why you went to college to study will become apparent. It's a time to meet with other students and converse about coursework and everything educational. Isn't it?
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Girls, can't live with them & certainly can't live without them, but why stop at just 1? We have searched high & low on the internetz in order to compile a collection of cheeky cuties doing things that we all love them to do :)
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Galleries's epic isn't it? When these people thought about the image they wanted to project, do you think they cared what anyone thought, about society & its "rules". Do you even think they get ready with a light on? Of course not.
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