You Can't Explain That!
Bill O’Reilly has become a meme, or rather, he’s become a meme again, since who among us can ever forget, no matter how hard we may try, his deep love for falafel. Explain that one!?
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Those poor people and their pictures. They probably spent a good 3 or 4 seconds of their lives lining up these shots, only to have them ruined in the most disgusting of circumstances. Another batch of pics ruined by the devastating photobomb. For shame!
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Here is a superb solution when it comes down to trying to remember 'what' dead President belongs with 'what' bill denomination - Stick a celebrity on the note and you will be able to recite them with no trouble.
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A creepy collection of beasts and slimy things that got waay bigger than they should be. You may ask 'what the hell are some of these things?', but you probably don't want to know, just pray you never meet any!
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Holding photographers hostage and demanding to in in the shot, these terrorists are the worst kind of people. In fact, if it was these types that were being held and tortured in Guantanamo, nobody would mind in the slightest. FACT.
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Sometimes, if you look at things completely out for context you can't help but think to yourseflf "WTF is going on here!?!" - On those occasions someone may well be doing something that seems logial, to them. Maybe?
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I never really understood the whole point of Twitter until I saw some of these Tweet-ettes. All you need to do to really get the most out of this social networking platform is follow some luscious ladies who like to flaunt their feathers.
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It just looks like a hive of scum and villainy or like something out of a Judge Dredd comic, but this city is actually for really realz. Densely populated and largely ungoverned, it is truly unique.
Comments: 43
The clue is in the title regarding the content of this coconut collective of nature's finest example of nature versus 'nom-age' - Confused? Then i suggest you find out the answer of the mammary mystery for yourself!
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There are millions of cuties on the planet, all i am asking for this year is just one (or maybe two) of them to unwrap on my birthday, i've been a very good boy this year - Honest!? PLEASE GOD!!!
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If you ever wanted a better reason to take up an ancient Indian spiritual discipline then take a look at these cuties in Yoga pants. It'll guarantee that part of your body willl reach a higher plane of existance!
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