If I could replicate myself like this, I surely would be just standing around clicking silly photos, I'd be getting a lot more work done! Who am I kidding, it would just be a lot more people on the couch!
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Most of these don't look like they'd pass an MOT, but maybe that's the look they were going for? If Mad Max was a used car salesman this is probably what his lot would consist of. Loads of rust but still kinda cool.
Comments: 202
We all have our lazy days but these guys have got slacking down to a total science. Instead of judging these lazy-ass people, maybe we should respect them for their ingenuity, If we could be bothered that is!
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This gallery is a tribute to the high-beams! Hottie celebs showing off their glorious headlights!
Comments: 9
"Houston, we have a problem!" - Cute chicks have invaded the planet earth - BUTT, it's all good as they are insistent in displaying their rather fine rear assets for anyone who cares to look!
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Drool over 'wholesome' teens, brought to you by both the joys of the digital camera & the sharing of information rapidly over the internets! In later life they may regret these pics being all over the web but, meh, who cares!
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Sometimes when you are taking a photograph the camera records an action event at precisely the right moment and shows the scene in a way that would never be possible to see as it was happening. Awesome.
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Another week has gone by and Monday rolls round again. If you're anything like me you're chomping at the bit for something to do other than work. Luckily for you we've prepared a nice big pic-dump for you to enjoy.
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Some women who post self shot phone pictures of themselves online need to steam the mirror up first or do some serious photoshooping. These women don't. These women are sublime self-shooting super-babes from on high.
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How big is too big? It's kinda like saying how much drink is too much drink, because it all depends what mood you are in, where you are and your perspective on the situation - For me the answer is big, but not too BIG!
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Another girl-filled gallery of incredibly cute, but off-puttingly weird women. Whether it's their bizarre cosplay behaviour, wide-ranging perculiar activity, or just outright WTFness, there's something odd about each and every one of them.
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