If I could replicate myself like this, I surely would be just standing around clicking silly photos, I'd be getting a lot more work done! Who am I kidding, it would just be a lot more people on the couch!
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Ow. It hurts just looking at these scorched bodies, what's wrong with them? They're either on a death wish or they just don't get that big, bright burning yellow orb in the sky that we orbit around. It gives off heat as well as light :(
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In a quest to boldly go where no chick has gone before, today's cuties will go to any extreme to create the perfect photograph worthy of any MySpace & Facebook profile - It's the most 'safe' fun you can have with your clothes off!?
Comments: 0
Like Brando in 'The Wild Ones' - "What are you protesting?" Reply: "Whatcha got?" Sometimes you have to take a slightly humorous approach to really get the message across. Sometimes you just wanna protest and have fun.
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Where would we be without our butts? Our trousers wouldn't stay up so well and sitting down wouldn't be as fun, if we didn't have them galleries like this would be impossible. So, release your inner baboon and enjoy some butts.
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There's just something about a woman in uniform who knows how to handle her weapons that always gets me going! Here's a collection of deadly beauties from around the world.
Comments: 474
"Houston, we have a problem" - I love a toned chick, but when she has a six pack and guns that would put you to shame then you know that this girl means business!
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It's nice to have a different view of the one we are usually used to, movie icons retouched to infinity, being cool on the big screen. Well instead of looking up to them we can now gaze down as they lay drunk in the gutter!
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Forget the American girl group and dance ensemble founded by choreographer Robin Antin, what you need is a Celeb Pussycat to keep you warm on those lonely cold evenings. Some of these pretties are well worth purring over!
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Time for moar photographic evidence to prove that women and alcohol are possibly the greatest combination ever - It's like the perfect blend of cutie chemistry.
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If the old saying that "clothes maketh the man" rings true, then it can definitely be said that "sweaters maketh the maiden" when it comes to the opposite sex. Proof that wearing more is definitely less. If you follow me.
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