If I could replicate myself like this, I surely would be just standing around clicking silly photos, I'd be getting a lot more work done! Who am I kidding, it would just be a lot more people on the couch!
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Most of the time when you're riding the subway you end up being bored stupid, but occasionally you get the odd insane person on there and they can make the trip a whole lot more interesting—just make you you take a pic.
Comments: 299
There is definitely some interesting spots here that I would love to visit. Especially driving down into the water would be awesome!
Comments: 1
End of finals sorority parties are guaranteed to have lots of booze, lots of girls in their underwear and lots of outrageous behaviour. Sounds like great fun, so where the hell is my invite?
Comments: 0
"Houston, we have a problem!" - Cute chicks have invaded the planet earth - BUTT, it's all good as they are insistent in displaying their rather fine rear assets for anyone who cares to look!
Comments: 0
Who says a babe has to have a pulse to make you drool over her, not if she's a zombie hottie! Living(?) proof that even if she's waay past her sell-buy date she's still hawt enough to get your teeth into!
Comments: 0
A colorful collection of wasted women who still manage to look cute with their heads stuck down the toilet bowl & vomit coming out of their mouths! It's amazing there was still someone left standing to capture this with a camera!
Comments: 0
We all love a ranga, it's good to get a bit of variation in the mix & if the carpet matches the drapes, then you know she's for real. But remember, along with that firery passion comes a matching temper. 'Fire in the hole!
Comments: 0
I think the people who made these may need a few more classes in the art of taxidermy, or maybe they're animal haters who as children were mercilessly mocked by the natural kingdom & now it's time for them to exact their revenge - WTF!?!
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It's plain to see that the old saying "Dogs begin to look like their owners, and vice-verca' is actually true. Just subtle similarities that make them a perfect match for each other.
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I bet you were thinking i was talking about funbags, you did, didn't you? Well, you were olnly half-right, this is the ultimate double damsel delight, yep, twins! Just imagine it - PERFECTION!
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