The similarities are amazing! I know dogs look like their owners, but these transcend that. Unfortunately, some of my ex-girlfriends resembled Jabba the Hutt, not just in looks but in size.
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There are few feelings as awesome as knowing that everyone in the room wants a piece. These guys have all gone from big to buff and they've got the photographs to prove it. Inspiring stuff and some amazing changes.
Comments: 1,107
A collection of blasphemous body art that would make poor baby Jesus cry out in pain "Forgive them father, for they know not what they do!" - A true case of 'The devil makes work for idle hands...arms, legs & other body bits!"
Comments: 0
Time to witness pure evil, right down to correctly applied eyeliner, torn fishnets, asymmetric hair and a huge appetite for cake and abject misery - And you thought you had it bad!
Comments: 0
Sometimes a picture does paint a thousand words, but really, only one is enough to set off a signal in your bain that your convictions about stereotypes were all true. Maybe it's time to leave this planet. Far behind.
Comments: 0
Another batch of photos snapped at precisely the right moment for hilarity to ensue. From a Christ-like stunt plane to the worlds most unconventional basketball tackle, these are all instant classics.
Comments: 332
It's surprising the human race is alive and relatively well, if not mentally stable, after looking at some of these pics. The sins of the father and of the mother too. No doubt these kid'll grow up to be well-rounded, fully developed deviants
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If you take a look it's plain to see that the old saying "Dogs begin to look like their owners, and vice-verca' is actually true. Just subtle similarities that make them a perfect match for each other.
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Our world is an amazing place, sometimes we take it too much for granted, just imagine what beauty an alien would make of the earth. The National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 shows us just that. be amazed.
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In Russia they do things a little differently on social media, they do things with a little more added WTF. Maybe the West could learn something.
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Lets face it, when it comes to photography, the difference between a yawn-tastic photo & a sublime work of pure awesomeness is all about the right angle - Witness everyday normality transformed into total abstract wonder.
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