The similarities are amazing! I know dogs look like their owners, but these transcend that. Unfortunately, some of my ex-girlfriends resembled Jabba the Hutt, not just in looks but in size.
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Ah, for those wonderful days of college life, where you devoted all of your time to study and the pursuit of knowledge to further your young mind. There was very little time for anything else really. Or was that in another reality?
Comments: 0
Time for some serious WTF, because, lets face it, everyone needs a bit of WTF in their life - Everything in this gallery is so stuffed with WTF that it'll make you eyes cross and your head explode. Or something like that. WTFtastic!
Comments: 0
Of course having a tattoo, an all-over tan or a spiky haircut doesn't automatically make you a douchenozzle, but it definitely means you have douche-tendancies! Ladies BEWARE!!!
Comments: 0
Do you ever have one of those moments in life when things don't go quite to plan and out of nowhere a fairly safe and ordinary situation turns bad very quickly, leaving you in a world if FAIL?
Comments: 0
America, the land of the free. Also the land of the crazy, the weird, and the overall wtf. We're not saying that isn't something to be proud of.
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Not only are these off-putting but they a simply the most cringingly, hilrariously awful covers imaginable, and every single one of them is genuine. I don't know about you but I want a copy of that Tractor men one...
Comments: 626
With the football season kicking off again around the world it's time to celebrate in style - How I'd love to score with these girls' - GOAL!!!
Comments: 153
Another week has gone by and Monday rolls round again. If you're anything like me you're chomping at the bit for something to do other than work. Luckily for you we've prepared a nice big pic-dump for you to enjoy.
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It's that time of the week again and it's time to return to our regularly scheduled programing. If you're not aware, Monday morning is the perfect time for a great big dump. Of pictures. Not of the sh#t kind. Enjoy.
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She's like Wonder Woman but with bigger calves! Actually, that's wrong: she's more like He-Man, but with worse taste in dogs and sandals. And bigger calves! Meet Anne Freitas, one of the world's muscliest woman. Ace.
Comments: 6