The similarities are amazing! I know dogs look like their owners, but these transcend that. Unfortunately, some of my ex-girlfriends resembled Jabba the Hutt, not just in looks but in size.
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Get ready for 40 images full of the perky toned volleyball babe behinds. All the jumping up and down must be great for toning the glutes and the tight pants are a really nice touch. BRB off to find my local women's volleyball team
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Get ready for 40 Cage-tastic pictures of assorted celebrities and famous figures with Nick Cage's glorious face superimposed over the original. Sounds daft but it has the power to convert you to the Church Of Cage. Fact.
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Dead animals stuffed with sand is kind of a grim concept. I don't know who came up with it but I'll wager they wet the bed well into their twenties. Strangely enough taxidermy actually gets better, the worse it gets. Observe;
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A drink or two is very social, a nice thing to do amongst friends at a pre-arranged occasion, nothing wrong with that at all. If you go past that into double figures then things all start to deteriorate at an alarming rate.
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When it comes to ladies it's the magical number that mathematical nerds and religious freaks alike have worshiped for all eternity, the all-hallowed 'Holy Trinity' of hawtness. Prepare yourself for some triple-tastic women worship!
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Think about it before you turn away in horror, all good things come in pint-size packages. Honest! Lets face it, there are definitely 'certain' advantages to be explored!
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Here's something interesting to put in your house, a Tessla coil, just one tiny little mistake & it's crispy human time. Still, it does look kinda awesome so maybe it's worth taking a risk over? I would!
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If you're inclined towards OCD style behavior then this selection of images should sooth you, featuring all kinds of objects that slot together so well, it's as though they were made for each other.
Comments: 1,511
Most of the time when people draw on street signs its pointless vandalism and the streets look worse for it but here are some of the rare bits of vandalism that are neither pointless nor unwelcome.
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Bieberkinis are the hot new thing right now, what do you mean you haven't got one, what the hell is wrong with you?. It's like 'baby, baby baby', but it's also like 'oh…'. Next week, BieberDongs.
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