Lego Movies
So you took the time out to create movie posters using Lego characters. Who's going to be the true hero and actually remake the entire movies with Legos now?
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In Russia they do things a little differently on social media, they do things with a little more added WTF. Maybe the West could learn something.
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There are millions of cuties on the planet, all i am asking for this year is just one (or maybe two) of them to unwrap on my birthday, i've been a very good boy this year - Honest!? PLEASE GOD!!!
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Just remember, you will never give less of a f#ck than when you are a child. Kids are like little rockstars who don't need drugs and alcohol when they trash the place and defecate on themselves, it's just who they are - Be AFRAID!
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You can never have too much of a good thing when it comes to cute chicks, it might be true that two's company, but three's definitely a number i want to surround myself with if ever i get the chance.
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Get ready for a collection of America-mocking image macros. If you're a humorless Amerifag then you'd better look away now as you're about to be characterized as fat and stupid by some LOL-inspiring imagery.
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You know the one i'm talking about, she's a one in a million cutie. One things for sure, I'd much rather end up stranded on magical island with a girl like that, but then that's an entirely different story...
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One things for sure, the past looks a lot cleaner and the cars look nicer. These photos are sort of like portal to view the past through, like a window into yesterday. The Russian photos are from the siege of Leningrad.
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Time to witness pure EVIL,l right down to correctly applied eyeliner, torn fishnets, asymmetric hair and a huge appetite for cake. Some of these guys have got the side-swept bangs which cover one or both eyes down to a tee!
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Last month, Top Gear magazine put together a truly unprecedented selection of performance cars on the world's best driving road: Italy's Stelvio Pass. Altogether, a combined value of £3,718,090 & 6,071bhp. (
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He will never be able to get rid of the little kid/Harry Potter image however hard he tries. In the later pictures when he is trying to look tough/sexy/thoughtful he looks like a biggest weiner on the planet. unlucky kid.
Comments: 188