Lego Movies
So you took the time out to create movie posters using Lego characters. Who's going to be the true hero and actually remake the entire movies with Legos now?
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Prepare to have your braincell baffled as it tries to process well known brand logos displaying a rivals name. I guarantee that some of these will leave you thinking that nothing has changed. Such is the power of the brand.
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Nobody does f#ck YEAH better than the Americans, everything they turn their hand to they have an ability to do it like a BOSS. The only problem is, along with the good stuff, it's exactly the same with the bad. GO USA!
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Some cars in films are so iconic that they almost have their own role. So artist Jesús Prudencio did the decent thing and made a bunch of movie posters with those iconic vehicles as the lead image.
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Think of it as pr0n for powerpoint. The sort of stuff that makes mathematicians hot under the collar, and in this gallery the medium has been lovingly subverted to the cause of lolz.
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Pets are good at certain things, like licking their crotches, shedding on your clothes and getting under your feet before you manage to reach the lightswitch, but ask then to fix your car and they're utterly useless.
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How VERY true! Usually this warning accompanies imagery so disturbing it seers itself into your retina for all time but not in this gallery. Fear not, these are images that will just make you look at common things a bit differently.
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Ahhh, where would we be without our comrades from the land of the hammer, sickle and so much 'WTF!?!' it's incredible. Where the rest of the world operates in one particular way, you can rely on Russia to do it differently.
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Who says that cute chicks have to follow the rules of 'cuteness' to appear attractive in a dude's eyes? It's obvious that these females are on to the fact that being funny makes them even more hawt!
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Whats better than a beach babe? Well, a tanned hottie who not only looks hawt, but can also ride a surfboard as good as any man - It's enough to make you bury your head in the sand and cry!
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How big is too big? It's kinda like saying how much drink is too much drink, because it all depends what mood you are in, where you are and your perspective on the situation - For me the answer is big, but not too BIG!
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