Lego Movies
So you took the time out to create movie posters using Lego characters. Who's going to be the true hero and actually remake the entire movies with Legos now?
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This should be an advertisement for the stuff. It doesn't matter what it is that's broken, if you use enough duct tape you can get it working again. If the CERN super collider was broken you know what those scientists would be reaching for...
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Time to brush the cobwebs from your eyes and try and figure out what how the last 48hrs of your life left you in a state like this and the contemplation of work feels like a nightmare. Time for your LOLZ to ease the pain.
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Maybe it's the padding, maybe it's the anonimity, there's something about being in a massive furry suit that makes you think you can get away with anything.
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They might rock your world when they appear on the covers of magazines, or strut down the catwalk, but what about when they warpaint comes off, eh? Would it be like owning a Ferrari that looks like a Ford Focus?
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Pretty important in terms of the whole human biology thingamajiggy, the human brain, from whatever scientifiic approach you take is a total scumbag. A wondrous marvel of evolution, but still a total scumbag.
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It's nice to have a different view of the one we are usually used to, movie icons retouched to infinity, being cool on the big screen. Well instead of looking up to them we can now gaze down as they lay drunk in the gutter!
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If you're not a fan of seriously hairy ladies then you are about to enter the revolting realm of upchuck central. I'm not averse to a bit of body hair but when they have more than me it's just a bit weird.
Comments: 212
Nature is always at it's very best when it comes to the meeting of land & sea, talk to any surfer & they'll explain the factors that come into play to construct the 'perfect' wave & all agree the tube is a work of beauty!
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Time for some serious WTF, because, lets face it, everyone needs a bit of WTF in their life - Everything in this gallery is so stuffed with WTF that it'll make you eyes cross and your head explode. Or something like that. WTFtastic!
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Laptops are great, but you know what's even better? Ladies. As this gallery illustrates combining the two ups the awesomeness to giddying new heights. Stay tuned for next week's gallery: Ladies On Laptops Eating Bacon!
Comments: 314