Lego Movies
So you took the time out to create movie posters using Lego characters. Who's going to be the true hero and actually remake the entire movies with Legos now?
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Trust good old Mother Nature to come up with millions of years of evolution to produce some of the most beautiful natural monuments the planet has ever seen - I would gladly plant a flag on ALL of them :)
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It's the land of the free, home of the brave, birthplace of the American dream and host to all sorts of other freaks. Somewhere along the way the dream turned into a nightmare that some people haven't woken up from yet!
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For some of us it feels that it's another amazing summertime, filled with good times, lasting memories, happiness and the thought of good times shared. For the rest of us it means it's soon time to get back to work or school.
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He will never be able to get rid of the little kid/Harry Potter image however hard he tries. In the later pictures when he is trying to look tough/sexy/thoughtful he looks like a biggest weiner on the planet. unlucky kid.
Comments: 188
Time for moar photographic evidence to prove that women and alcohol are possibly the greatest combination ever - It's like the perfect blend of cutie chemistry.
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Now this is what we all want to see babes doing - YEP - making sammiches & other tasty morsels. There's plenty of baking going on but nobody can survive on cupcakes.
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As if performing in-front of millions of sports fans wasn't stressful enough, now atheletes have to make sure they get their photo-pose just right too. Prepare to fear the telephoto lens and it's evil ways!
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It's surprising the human race is alive and relatively well, if not mentally stable, after looking at these. The sins of the father and of the mother too. No doubt these kid'll grow up to be well-rounded, fully developed deviants
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WARNING: Only look at these pictures if you fully understand the fact that once seen you will never be able to look at any cute celeb (of in fact any girl) ever again without the realisation that without teeth they look as scary as f#ck!
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Thats right, we would never joke about serious subject matter like this, it's the real deal. Honest! A rare chance to witness celebrities showing off their seldom seen beavers in all their glory! They all look SO cute!
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