Laziness might not sound like a positive attribute, but it can inspire some serious creativity! Who knew? Some of these examples were doomed to failure from the get-go, but others are borderline genius.
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Emma Watson. She's undeniably cute, but you can't help but feel a little weird saying it. All those years of Hogwarts have left it's mark on your conscience. I think it's finally time for an amnesty. She's 21. It's okay to fancy her.
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Holding photographers hostage and demanding to be in in the shot, these terrorists are the worst kind of people. In fact, if it was these types that were being held and tortured in Guantanamo, nobody would mind in the slightest. FACT.
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The Beach Boys knew what they were singing about with songs about beautiful chicks, trouble is they got the wrong country. Forget California, the place to write lyrics of lament & longing is located in the far east. WOW.
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Getting a tattoo is a very personal thing, if you're going to get something indelibly inked under your skin, visible to all, you'd better make a statement. Something meaningful. "I like McDonalds" is a perfect example.
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It just looks like a hive of scum and villainy or like something out of a Judge Dredd comic, but this city is actually for really realz. Densely populated and largely ungoverned, it is truly unique.
Comments: 43
You've passed out due to one to many root beers and your friends have taken the liberty of abusing your comatose body. Most of this abuse you wouldn't want to be awake for but fear not, there will lots of photos.
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Those pesky aliens from the Half-Life game have been infiltrating art works from bygone eras, and they will not stop! You could look at it as some form of artistic sabotage or you could look on it as an improvement. We're all doomed!
Comments: 133
If you look around you, really closely, you might be aware that some people are not as they seem, using the energy of the universe, the 'force' to their own needs. They are really easy to spot, they all look like complete nedrds.
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Most of the time when people draw on street signs its pointless vandalism and the streets look worse for it but here are some of the rare bits of vandalism that are neither pointless nor unwelcome.
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What would English painter George Dawe think if he knew that his classic paintings of Russian generals had been hijacked & their heads replaced by all manner of modern celebrities? Jobs, Pacino, Cruise & even Charlie Sheen!
Comments: 213