Laziness might not sound like a positive attribute, but it can inspire some serious creativity! Who knew? Some of these examples were doomed to failure from the get-go, but others are borderline genius.
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Sometimes our base animal instincts rise up out of nowhere and we behave like dogs sniffing around another canine's rear quarters, only humans are so much more evolved, so we just stare wide-eyed and drool!
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If you ever wanted a better reason to take up an ancient Indian spiritual discipline then take a look at these cuties in Yoga pants practicing this sacred ritual. It'll guarantee that part of your body will reach a higher plane of existence!
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Just when you think you have framed the perfect magic moment along comes a petulant photobomber to ruin it for you and make his/her/it's day at your expense. Treasure these very special moments!
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Cowboy builders & bodge-job-artists the world over stand united and protest against the nanny-state health & safety regulations they're forced to endure. Here are some of their anti-safety campaign banners. OMG
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Did you hear about the wooden car? It wooden go. ithankyou! This man is called Livio De Marchi and he most definitely has wood, and he likes to make unusual things out of it like a car, clothes. He's got some good skills!
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MOM -- LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME MOOOOOOM?? Some people will do anything to gain their their parent's attention and in the process seriosuly hamper their chances of ever working in the service industry.
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As the old saying goes, "you don't look at the mantel when you're poking the fire", if you did you might drop your stroke & run screaming into the night. I guess you could avoid the horror with a brown paper bag, or better yet, a Halloween mask :(
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I dunno, but there is something slightly attractive and dangerous happening at the same time here? Maybe it's a 'no pleasure without pain' kinda thang? For those of you who love babes with some serious mouth machinery !
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So. WHEN are they going to make this a mandatory Olympic sport, or at the very least an event that every city in the world gets to participate in. Think of it, apart from the willing participants, it'd be the ultimate spectator sport.
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It must be true what they say, chicks just can't resist a man in uniform, even if he's from a galaxy far far away. these guys score with all the ladies, but it won't last, those log distance relationships are tricky!
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