Laziness might not sound like a positive attribute, but it can inspire some serious creativity! Who knew? Some of these examples were doomed to failure from the get-go, but others are borderline genius.
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WARNING: Only look at these pictures if you fully understand the fact that once seen you will never be able to unsee and look at any cute celeb (of in fact any girl) ever again - scary as f#ck!
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Time to witness pure evil, right down to correctly applied eyeliner, torn fishnets, asymmetric hair and a huge appetite for cake and abject misery - And you thought you had it bad!
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It's cookbooks for experimental eaters. If you're bored to death of meat & two veg why not try cooking with actual testicles? I've heard they're best served with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
Comments: 120
Well, strangely enough we all do! While we spend less & less time watching TV and more & more time on the interwebs, we are inadvertently missing out on some classic LOLZ in the form of news titles taken out of context.
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Oh for those bygone days when everything was simple and internet was young. If you were a kid in the 80's or 90's, prepare to experience some extreme nostalgia. You might not know all of them, but you're bound to know at least one.
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Artist Josh Cooley has taken your favorite R-rated movie scenes, like the chest-bursting one from Alien or the decapitated horse's head one from Godfather and given them a kid-friendly (ish) makeover.
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Ahhh, body shots, nature's way of letting us all taste the sweet nectar of alcohol the way it was intended to be drunk. No need for glasses, just use the nearest cute chick and offer to lick up any mess from her afterwards!
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Some people really do have a 'special' relationship with their pets. I'm not gonna dwell on how surreal some of these inages are because there is definitely something sinister going on. It sends a shiver down my spine!
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These printers have identity issues, or thirsts for unusual substances. or are they part of the skynet uprising. Oviously though, some of these machines seem to be saying whatever the hell they like.
Comments: 13
If you're a regular youtuber then you'll probably have already noticed that often the comments are sometimes way more entertaining than the actual video.
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