Laziness might not sound like a positive attribute, but it can inspire some serious creativity! Who knew? Some of these examples were doomed to failure from the get-go, but others are borderline genius.
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If you think you're pretty good at 'Draw Something', think again. These guys are almost completely unbeatable. This is the sort of natural talent that the rest of us just can't compete with. Feeling humiliated yet? You will.
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Ok, so here's a test that 95% of the male population on this planet are sure to fail. Try as hard as you can to stare into the various ladies eyes and don't let your eyes stray, even for a second.
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To quote that wise sage Homer Simpson, "Beer, the cause of, & solution to, all of life's little problems!" Where would we be without this nectar of the gods? Probably still married with a prosperous career!?
Comments: 109
It's the land of the free, home of the brave, birthplace of the American dream and host to all sorts of other freaks. Somewhere along the way the dream turned into a nightmare that some people haven't woken up from yet!
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These printers have identity issues, or thirsts for unusual substances. or are they part of the skynet uprising. Oviously though, some of these machines seem to be saying whatever the hell they like.
Comments: 13
It's that wonderful, peaceful calm before the oncoming storm of an almighty hangover. You've had another heavy night on the booze, and you're past that point where you could fall fast asleep on a bed of rusty nails. Or anywhere.
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One things for sure, the past looks a lot cleaner and the cars look nicer. These photos are sort of like portal to view the past through, like a window into yesterday. The Russian photos are from the siege of Leningrad.
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Trust good old Mother Nature to come up with millions of years of evolution to produce some of the most beautiful natural monuments the planet has ever seen - I would gladly plant a flag on ALL of them. I would. Really.
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Here is a superb solution when it comes down to trying to remember 'what' dead President belongs with 'what' bill denomination - Stick a celebrity on the note and you will be able to recite them with no trouble.
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It's probably the most important invention EVER and i bet most of you have never heard the name 'Pastie' before, or what it does? - Prepare to gaze in wonder at it's simple genius!
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